One of my bullet journal pages that I get asked about the most is my habit tracker. The questions are mainly around how I use it and also how I create the decorative pattern which develops over the course of each month.
In this blog post, I am going to share with you, why I think habit trackers are helpful, how I use mine, along with three different types of tracker you can use in your own bullet journal, which you can adjust to suit your needs.
Why I think Habit Trackers are Important
I like to set myself some really big goals and I always have a range of projects that I'm working on. To achieve those goals, there are often some changes that I need to make. Sometimes these are related to my well-being or home environment, but they could also be linked to things which I need to work on consistently, like practising creative skills, personal development activities or posting on social media.
To help me along the way, I know that it will make things a lot easier if I can establish some habits which support these goals.
Habit: " a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up."
I set up my habit tracker at the beginning of each month and fill it out every evening. The simple act of filling out my habit tracker, helps to keep me focused on the activities that I know will be valuable on the journey whilst working towards my goals.
At the end of each month, I review how I have been doing and look out for any gaps, where I might have let something slip. This gives me really valuable information to be able to adjust my plans and increase my focus on key areas for the month ahead.

Getting Started
The first step is to decide which habits are going to be helpful to you. I like to start by looking at my goals and imagining what type of lifestyle I will need to be living, to enable me to make these a reality.
For example, with a lot of my goals, I know that I will need to be in good health, with lots of energy. Key habits that will help me with this are healthy eating, regular exercise and good levels of hydration.
Some of my other goals will require me to stay focused, continually develop my creative skills and also learn some new techniques.
This quick analysis helps me to set out some habits that I know will be really helpful in supporting me to achieve my goals.
Habit Tracker: Style One

This is the style of habit tracker that I use the most often. It enables me to focus on lots of different habits throughout the course of each month. It's also really quick and easy to set up.
As an added bonus, the markings create a really attractive pattern over the course of a month and any gaps are really easy to identify.
Habit Tracker: Style Two

This second style of habit tracker takes a little longer to set up as you have to draw a separate calendar for each habit. However, it does enable you to really focus on a few key areas.
If you have just a few really important habits that you want to track, I think this is a great option.
Habit Tracker: Style Three

Again, this habit tracker takes a little while to set up, but I absolutely love how visual it is. You are slightly limited by how many habits you can track, due to the size of the circle, but it works really well if you have between six and eight habits that you want to focus on.
Watch These Trackers Being Created
If you would like to see these habit trackers being created, then you can watch my recent YouTube video here.
I really hope you've found it helpful seeing these different habit trackers and can use some of the ideas in your own journal.
Happy journaling, Helen x
What would you recommend in relation to Mood Trackers, Helen? Best regards, Jane