I love looking back through the journal pages that I have completed each month. It's so satisfying to know that everything has been documented and each page tells a little story of its own.
My journals are the place that I like to let out my feelings, plan all my tasks and try out new creative techniques. The pages in my Sketch Book above were inspired by the wonderful CreationsCeeCee on YouTube.
So, let's have a look at my journal pages from January.
Bullet Journal Weekly Spreads
For my bullet journal weekly spreads, I nearly always include a Dutch Door. I love the look of them, but I also really like being able to write my goals for the month on the back. It's a great opportunity to add some creative elements too.
I use these weekly spreads to note down any events and appointments, tasks that need doing throughout the week, meals that I have eaten, track healthy habits and jot down anything that will need to be done the following week.
Bullet Journal Daily Log
I tend to keep my bullet journal daily logs pretty simple, with just a little decoration. This is where I list out all of the tasks that need doing each day, so they have to be functional and easy to read.
I take a few minutes every evening to list out my tasks for the next day, along with migrating any unfinished ones and reflecting on anything that could be improved.
Daily Journal
I love keeping a daily journal! It's really relaxing to spend a little quiet time making a few notes every day. Sometimes I think I've had quite an uneventful month, but when I look back through my pages, I am reminded of all the big and little things that have happened.
At the weekend I add my decorative elements to the right-hand page, which in my case, are very often floral related.
Sketch Book / Creative Fun
Alongside my bullet journal and daily journal, I have also been enjoying creating in my sketch book and blank Travelers Notebook insert, when I have a little spare time.
I created these paintings after using a photo I found on Pinterest for inspiration. I like to play with ideas in my Sketchbook before recreating them in my journals, if I like how them came out.
January Vlog
For the first time, I have created a vlog of all the creative things I have been up to during January. It was a really busy month, with lots of fun things going on.
If you are interested in some behind-the-scenes footage, then you can watch this video here.
I have included some workshops I both attended and ran, along with a tour of the wonderful warehouse at Cult Pens.
Other News
During January, I launched a new product range called "A Fresh Start".
This new range includes stickers, stamps, washi tape, stencils and patterened papers.
My products are available exclusively through CraftStash and you can find them here.
You can also take a closer look at them in my January Vlog.
Other Supplies Used:
My book, "Journal With Purpose".
The journals and covers I use are from Start Bay Notebooks. Journal With Purpose subscribers can use the code JWP10 for a 10% discount.
Watercolour paints and Khadi Pad sketchbook are from London Gifties.
*Some of these links contain affiliate links, meaning I earn a small commission if you choose to make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.
I really hope you enjoyed seeing my journal pages from January and that you have a great month of documenting and getting creative. Helen x