Welcome to the journaling challenge for July, along with another fantastic giveaway.

This month's journaling challenge is all about dealing with negative self-talk. It's something I struggle with myself, so I thought it would be a great topic to journal about.
The challenge is to catch yourself saying these negative things and then reframe them in your journal in a positive way. An example might be:
"I'm never going to be any good at this", replaced with
"I'm committed to improving my skills and practising every day. I know that with time I will be much better than I am today."
My personal aim by the end of July is to have pages with the negative thoughts written down, with the positive alternatives written down next to them. I want to use these pages as inspiration for whenever I catch myself in a negative cycle, so that I have more positive thoughts ready to put in place.

You can find the journal prompt details over on the free printables page. You will receive the password once you are subscribed to the blog.
I have another great giveaway this month. One participant in the July Journaling Challenge will be able to select a Travelers Notebook cover of their choice, from Start Bay Notebooks.

How to Take Part
If you would like to take part in the journaling challenge, please tag me in the photos on Instagram (@journalwithpurpose) and use the #jwpchallenges
If you aren't on Instagram, but would still like to be entered into the giveaway, then please feel free to email me a photo of your completed journal pages.
Closing date: 31st July 2019. The giveaway is open internationally and I will pick one entrant at random shortly after the end of the month.
I really hope that you find the challenge useful and are looking forward to taking part.
Last Month's Challenge
I will randomly select the winner from June's challenge on 1st July. I will announce the winner on Instagram and also email the participant if they entered by email.
There were so many wonderful entries last month. I will leave some of the journal pages in a slideshow down below for your inspiration.
So much for taking part Elaine. You are welcome to post your pages on Instagram, or send them to me by email if you prefer. Being kind to ourselves can be really hard sometimes, can't it. xx
I have been working on this a lot lately. I'm not really aware of the negative thoughts, but have been trying to give myself positive thoughts/re-inforcement for what I do accomplish, since my most common negative is "I haven't gotten * done today!". Ha! nuff said. So I will join your challenge, although I am late. Do I understand that I need to post my actual journal pages on instagram? I've signed up there, but haven't really gotten started.
I enjoy your videos, btw, and your blog.
Thank you so much for sharing your incredibly moving story Honey Bee. I will take some of the messages from within your comment to inspire my own journey this month. What a wonderful attitude to life you have. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave such an inspiring comment xx
A great practice that has ripple effects.
I compliment myself each day on my appearance. A touch of lipstick makes the eyes shine. Who knew! I always feel better when I present myself well.
Then I become my inner cheerleader as I tackle the challenges of the day.
The soothing voice of consolation when things do not go as planned or take longer than anticipated is a daily companion. "Try again tomorrow." "That's the best you've done so far." "You can do this." "You go, girl." "Wow! That's coming along beautifully." "Trust the process, not the result." "Look how far you've come!"
Or, I'll tell myself, "This is the best day ever" for an instant mood booster. That inner cri…
It's so hard isn't it Janet! I'm determined to really work on it this month. Good luck with the challenge xx